Outlast Wiki

Temple Gate Anima Christi is a document in Outlast 2.

It is located on a bible stand in front of a large statue of the Virgin Mary in Heretic Cave, just after escaping from the cornfield barn house.


DOC VS1 AnimaCristi

"Soul of Christ, make me ready,
Father Knoth, guide my salvation,
Blood of Christ, let me drink your wine.
By the severed eye, give me vision.
Angel of God, lend me your sword.
Kind Jesus, hear my prayer
Heal me in your wounds
Keep me close to you
Defend me from a wicked world
And ready me for the Devil's hour
In the fellowship of Temple Gate
That I might defend your Creation
until you give me rest.


  • Anima Christi is a medieval Catholic prayer to Jesus. The document is a slightly altered version of the original with Sullivan Knoth as the referred character.

